Investment in Machinery for the Production of Transformers with Foil Winding Technology

The purchase and installation of the new machinery equipment for the production of transformers with the latest foil winding technology, is completed in the EMMIS factory in Kifissia, Greece.
The new modern foil winding machine - which has already been added to our production line - creates a new momentum in the production of EMMIS transformers of the new generation:
- The capacity transformers produced is extended to a higher power of up to 2,000 kVA (from 630kVA)
- Even smaller size and lower weight are achieved in relation to the power of the transformers
- All individual stages of winding up to the placement of terminals are automated.
- The production capacity is increased significantly and delivery times are shortened.
The innovation of the new foil winding technology refers to the fully automated winding with copper or aluminum foils, replacing the rounded or square wires. With the new technology, the entire space of the coil is covered since gaps created from the traditional technology of round or square wires are eliminated.
As a result, the transformers are now produced in even smaller sizes and weights in relation to their power. Also, due to the strong stretch forces by the machine to the wire and the insulating material, an absolutely robust coil is created.
At the same time, with the new machine, all individual stages of the foil winding up to the placement of terminals are fully automated. The spots for the placement of air ducts - as well as the spots of insulation between primary and secondary winding - are programmed automatically so that there is no need for human intervention up to the placement of terminals.
EMMIS new investment creates the conditions for the company's deeper entry into the marine sector since the company becomes capable of producing transformers of higher power (eg. for cruise ships). The smaller size of the transformers facilitates the ergonomic design of the limited space of the electrical installations of the ships; also, the lower weight contributes to the more efficient operation and the reduction of the energy footprint of ships which is of imperative need in the marine sector.
EMMIS new machine is made exclusively in Italy by BF - the top manufacturer of foil winding machines globally.