ONEX - Fincantieri Industrial Cooperation Conference

The participation of our company was completed in the Industrial Cooperation Conference on "Domestic opportunities of the shipbuilding sector - Creation of a shipbuilding ecosystem" organized by the ONEX and Fincantieri Groups on 3-4 February 2022.
The purpose of the event is the companies that are active in the industry in the domestic market to present and inform the Fincantieri - ONEX scheme for their production potential, in order to create an appropriate ecosystem that can support the prospect of implementing the corvette program and many other new constructions that it intends to carry out at the Elefsina Shipyards, with a view to the unlimited expansion of the “Made in Greece” footprint in domestic shipyards.
The ultimate goal of the Fincantieri - ONEX scheme is to make the most of the existing capabilities of Greek companies, to gain significant know-how and experience through their participation in international co-generation programs, and to advertise their capabilities in the global market, in order to contribute catalytically and substantially to the revitalization of the shipbuilding industry of our country.
During the event - which took place hybrid with the participation of attendees both live and remote - Mr. Andreas Miserlis, CEO of EMMIS presented the activities of EMMIS MARINE, emphasizing the investments completed by the company in the last years for the quality upgrade of its products. These investments already benefit the company covering, even more, the specific needs of maritime applications, including the minimization of energy losses which in turn contributes to the reduction of the energy footprint of ships.
The event was opened with short greetings by Giouseppe Giordo - General Manager of the Naval Vessels Business Unit -, Panos Xenokostas - President & CEO of ONEX Shipyards & Technologies - and on behalf of the Greek Government Adonis Georgiadis, Minister of Development & Investment.
The event was honored by the presence of Mr. Geoffrey Pyatt - US Ambassador to Greece - and Mrs. Patrizia Falcinelli - Ambassador of Italy to Greece - and many other speakers - representatives of institutions in Greece, such as SEVE (Exporters Association of Northern Greece), SEKPY (Hellenic Manufacturers of Defense Material Association), HASDIG (Hellenic Aerospace Security & Defense Industries Group), Piraeus Port Authority, Intracom Defense and others.
Fincantieri is one of the largest shipbuilding companies with 18 shipyards on 4 continents, over 7,000 shipbuildings, and 230 years of history. Recently, it has strengthened its presence in the Greek market due to its practical interest in investing strategically in the Elefsina Shipyards.